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Local History Organizations
in Palo Alto and Stanford

  • The Palo Alto Historical Association is a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) Tax ID 94-6102933. The Association was established in its present form in 1948 as a successor to an earlier organization founded in 1913.

    The main objectives of the Association are:

    • Collecting, organizing and preserving materials about the history and heritage of Palo Alto.

    • collecting, organizing and preserving materials about the history and heritage of Palo Alto

    • making information available to the public about Palo Alto's history by means of programs, exhibits, publications and its official newsletter, the Tall Tree

    • recognizing and preserving historic sites and structures

    The Palo Alto Historical Association maintains the historic archives for the City of Palo Alto. The Guy Miller Archives, as they are known, are housed at Cubberley Community Center, Room K-7, 4000 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306. The Association has an office in the Museum of American Heritage (the Williams House) at 351 Homer Avenue.

  • A nonprofit organization supporting the preservation of the historic architecture, neighborhoods, and character of the greater Palo Alto-Stanford area through informed citizen involvement and education.

    Visit PAST here!

  • The Palo Alto Museum, a nonprofit organization, established a public-private partnership with the City of Palo Alto to transform the Roth Building as a home for the Palo Alto Museum.

  • Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden, a non-profit organization, is a remarkable resource for everyone. Located in Old Palo Alto, our historic property has a rich legacy, a commitment to education, and year-round beauty. Come see Gamble for yourself—it’s free and the garden is open to the public every day during daylight hours.

  • Founded in 1976, the Stanford Historical Society supports the preservation, examination, and appreciation of the history of Stanford University. The society publishes a journal, Sandstone & Tile, three times a year and occasional books and monographs of historical interest. It presents on- and off-campus programs and historic house and garden tours, and conducts oral history interviews on an ongoing basis.

  • The Historic Resources Board's primary responsibilities include:

    • Reviewing and making recommendations to the Architectural Review Board on proposed exterior changes of commercial and multiple-family buildings on the Historic Building Inventory

    • Reviewing and making recommendations on exterior changes of significant (Categories 1 and 2) single-family residences on the Historic Building Inventory

    • Researching and making recommendations to the City Council on proposed additions and on reclassifications of existing buildings on the Inventory; and

    • Performing other functions as may be delegated from time to time to the Historic Resources Board by the City Council

    • Members shall have demonstrated interest in and knowledge of history, architecture or historic preservation. Two members shall be professionals in the disciplines of architecture, architectural history, planning, landscape architecture, or related disciplines, or pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, or conservation and at least one member shall possess academic education or practical experience in history or a related field such as American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography